Semiconductor People
이름: | Seokhyeong Kang |
영문이름: | Seokhyeong Kang |
설명: | The research topics of our Laboratory, CAD & SoC Design Lab. includes (i) deep learning-based design automation (AI-EDA), and (ii) AI HW accelerator design. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-23.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://soc.postech.ac.kr |
이름: | Byoung Don Kong |
영문이름: | Byoung Don Kong |
설명: | Prof. Kong’s group explores physical phenomena in various material systems and excogitating a new method of utilizing them to deliver novel concepts for information processing, high-speed communication, high-power electronics, etc. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-1.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | https://sites.google.com/view/pel-home |
이름: | Byungsub Kim |
영문이름: | Byungsub Kim |
설명: | Professor Byungsub Kim’s lab combines artificial intelligence with analog circuit design technology to significantly improve circuit performance and improve design productivity hundreds to thousands of times. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-21.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://bevillab.postech.ac.kr/ |
이름: | Seyoung Kim |
영문이름: | Seyoung Kim |
설명: | Prof. Seyoung Kim’s research group focuses on future semiconductor device technologies to realize novel neuromorphic architectures and highly-efficient AI computing hardware. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-26.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://ace.postech.ac.kr |
이름: | Rockhyun Baek |
영문이름: | Rockhyun Baek |
설명: | We are developing 3-dimensional Logic and Memory devices through Machine Learning techniques and their integration schemes. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-4.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | https://sites.google.com/view/team-postech-ac-kr/home |
이름: | Jae-Yoon Sim |
영문이름: | Jae-Yoon Sim |
설명: | PICS Lab. studies key enabling technologies of analog circuits to solve various problems in high-performance low-power integrated IC systems. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-5.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://pics.postech.ac.kr |
이름: | Moonjoo Lee |
영문이름: | Moonjoo Lee |
설명: | The research group of Moonjoo Lee focuses on development of quantum computing and internet architectures with a next-generation semiconductor technology. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-25.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | https://sites.google.com/view/postechquantum/home |
이름: | Byoung Hun Lee |
영문이름: | Byoung Hun Lee |
설명: | Prof. Byoung Hun Lee’s lab develops innovative and disruptive devices and architectures that can be used to reduce the power consumption for computing by 100 – 1000 times, which can benefit the efforts to protect the environment of Earth. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-7.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://eesl.postech.ac.kr/ |
이름: | Youngjoo Lee |
영문이름: | Youngjoo Lee |
설명: | Embedded Processor & Intelligent Computing (EPIC) laboratory is focusing on the advanced optimization techniques for digital system semiconductor designs. Targeting the next-generation machine learning, communication, and signal processing applications, we improve the quality of our lives by proposing cross-layer innovations covering algorithms, architectures, and VLSI circuits together. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-8.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | https://sites.google.com/view/epiclab |
이름: | Jang-Sik Lee |
영문이름: | Jang-Sik Lee |
설명: | Nano-electronic materials & device laboratory develop next-generation memory and neuromorphic devices based on various emerging materials, and provide solutions for future semiconductor technology. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-9.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://neml.postech.ac.kr |
영문이름: | JEONG-SOO LEE |
설명: | Prof. J-S Lee’s research interests include electrical characterizations and reliability improvement of the 3D Memory devices, and development of high-sensitive bioFETs using nanoscale devices for In Vitro Diagnostics applications. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-10.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://ndp.postech.ac.kr |
이름: | Sungjune Jung |
영문이름: | Sungjune Jung |
설명: | We use innovative 3D printing technologies and new materials to create a fusion of multidisciplinary engineerings that develops new technologies in the fields of flexible sensors and electronics, biomedical devices, artificial organs, and regenerative medicine. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-11.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://bipp.postech.ac.kr |
이름: | Yoonyoung Chung |
영문이름: | Yoonyoung Chung |
설명: | Professor Yoonyoung Chung’s lab conducts research on artificial intelligence hardware based on novel semiconductor devices and develops intelligent wearable sensors that are capable of efficiently acquiring valuable information. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-12.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://chunglab.postech.ac.kr |
이름: | Su Seok CHOI |
영문이름: | Su Seok CHOI |
설명: | CSS LAB (Lab of Prof. Su Seok Choi) studies new Concept device technology using Soft Materials, Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials and Device and electro-optical technology. In particular, CSS LAB is currently investigating stretchable electronics, ulitra fine optical filters and wavelength control for CMOS image sensor and flexible/stretchable photonics for smart semiconductor/display/sensor convergent technology. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-13.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | https://csspostech.wixsite.com/css1 |
이름: | Si-Young Choi |
영문이름: | Si-Young Choi |
설명: | “Choi’s lab focuses on the materials imaging and analysis based on various electron microscopies, aiming at understanding the mechanism to enhance the physical performances in semiconductor devices and materials. ” |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-14.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://aefi.postech.ac.kr |
이름: | Haewook Han |
영문이름: | Haewook Han |
설명: | THz wave is an electromagnetic wave (EM) in 1000 GHz band. It is an essential EM wave for next-generation 6G wireless communication, semiconductor nanodevices, and also THz biomedical imaging research. Prof. Han’s THz lab also conducts THz device design research by using artificial intelligence (AI). |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-15.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | https://sites.google.com/view/nano-biothzphotonicsnbtplab |
이름: | Hyunsang Hwang |
영문이름: | Hyunsang Hwang |
설명: | Professor Hwang’s laboratory is developing a new RRAM and selector devices for high density nonvolatile memory and neuromorphic device applications. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/2022/05/unnamed-file-16.jpg |
홈페이지 URL: | http://www.sidp.kr |
이름: | Jae Yong Song |
영문이름: | Jae Yong Song |
설명: | HINT Lab is focusing on the development of functional materials and innovative processes/analyses for heterogeneous integration of various semiconductor devices, including the research of nanotechnology and electrochemistry, which are applied to the advanced packaging of semicondutor devices, energy storage/generator, and electronic sensors. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/kboard_thumbnails/7/202303/642690650dafa6931444.png |
홈페이지 URL: | https://sites.google.com/view/hintlab |
이름: | Sung-Woong Chung |
영문이름: | Sung-Woong Chung |
설명: | Prof. Chung had performed the research on thin film technology, device technology for DRAM and emerging memories in semiconductor industry. Now he is interested in atomic layer process depending on surface reaction of materials, memory scaling technologies and device fluctuation parameters and so on. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/kboard_thumbnails/7/202303/6426909c434ff7275720.png |
홈페이지 URL: | # |
이름: | Daehwan Kang |
영문이름: | Daehwan Kang |
설명: | Professor Daehwan Kang’s laboratory develops novel memory devices and ovonic threshold switch (OTS) devices using chalcogenide and oxide semiconductor materials, and conducts research on applying them into storage-class-memory (SCM) applications |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/kboard_thumbnails/7/202303/642690dd46b5e5374090.png |
홈페이지 URL: | https://www.cslab.postech.ac.kr/ |
이름: | Myungchul Oh |
영문이름: | Myungchul Oh |
설명: | Prof. Oh’s group focuses on fabricating low-dimensional semiconductor and quantum material heterostructure devices, and studying the atomic lattice structure, local electronic structures, and other surface physical properties of these samples using advanced scanning probe microscopy techniques. With a deep understanding of the underlying physics, the group seeks to develop innovative device applications based on quantum semiconductor materials. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/kboard_thumbnails/7/202306/64993c3633b317626967.png |
홈페이지 URL: | https://molab.postech.ac.kr/ |
이름: | Sangsul Lee |
영문이름: | Sangsul Lee |
설명: | In Professor Sangsul Lee’s research lab, the focus is on researching materials and processes for semiconductor nanoscale technology, specifically extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. They also conduct advanced nano-scale analysis research through synchrotron accelerator-based in-operando measurements. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/kboard_thumbnails/7/202303/64267ce583b3a9142341.png |
홈페이지 URL: | https://www.nextlightsource.com/ |
이름: | Hungyu Sin |
영문이름: | Hungyu Sin |
설명: | Professor Hungyu Sin’s research lab is currently engaged in conducting research to develop materials, processes, and measurement analysis techniques for next-generation wide-bandgap semiconductor development focusing on wide-bandgap materials. The aim is to facilitate industrial applications through this research. |
프로필 이미지 경로: | /wp-content/uploads/kboard_thumbnails/7/202303/640832f7677965184274.png |
홈페이지 URL: | # |

Byoung Hun Lee
이병훈교수 연구실에서는 기하급수적으로 늘어가는
컴퓨팅에 소모되는 에너지를 100배, 1000배 이하로
줄여서 지구환경보호에 기여하는 것을 목표로 창의적
이고 혁신적인 신소자 기술, 삼진로직 아키텍쳐 및
파생기술들을 연구하고 있습니다.